Sunday, June 6, 2010

Time to start writing

I always thought blogs were pretty lame. Kind of an excuse to be egocentric for a bit, toot your own horn, try to sound important. I still think that's true to some extent, but I was also advised by a lawyer friend/colleague that they can kinda be therapeutic.

Over the past six months I've been writing a bit on ecological/ocean issues in my preferred traditional format of zine writing. Much better than blogging in many ways, more personal, more fun....but they are a helluva lotta work. Some days I get all kinds of ideas running through my head and simply don't have time to hand write I'm going to give the blogosphere a shot for a while, if only for the simple reason of allowing me to put out a greater quantity of my thoughts before I forget them. original aim/goal for Seasick and Lonely (the zine) was to mainly discuss ocean/environmental issues and how utterly lost and foolish mankind is regarding our respect/ understanding of nature. These topics range(d) from marine biology, chemistry, law, species extinction (overfishing, ocean acidification), surfing, and pretty much anything else that has anything to do with the beautiful big blue ocean. I will continue to do that, of course, but maybe broaden the scope to include anything that's on my mind, frustrating me, inspiring me, etc.....this blog is my outlet to get things off my mind/chest.

Living in D.C. can definitely frustrate you, and although my time here has been interesting and fruitful thus far, I know this is not somewhere I would like to live long term. Too many people who are deluded into thinking that their "important" jobs within governmental/international organizations are actually important in the long run. I know that sounds cynical, but seriously, it's a pretentious place.

That being said, I have met some seriously right on activists and government people who are interesting and serious about changing this fucked up world in which we live. I am an eternal optimist and think that anything is possible, and I still somewhere deep down deeply believe in the underlying power of the human spirit to overcome anything.

So that's why I'm writing this blog. I don't really care if anyone reads it, but at least I can possibly make some sense out of the millions of thoughts and ideas that have passed through my head over the course of my life.

First Post

Okay, so this is just a test run....I have too much stuff on my mind to keep it all in....this may help as a therapeutic remedy of sorts